I suspect that humans make a bigger deal over things than Aussies feel necessary. After all, when I rolled it out the open door, it rolled just fine. It was quite heavy compared to the other balls that I have, but it rolled pretty well. Am I mistaken in thinking that anything left on the kitchen floor is mine? What is that saying? "Possession is 9/10 of the law?".
So, with Camden's help, and it didn't take much, we rolled it out the kitchen door, on to the deck and down the deck stairs to the patio. It didn't deflate at all, and but bounced only marginally better than the turtle we found last week. Normally I manage to let some air out of regular balls, so I KNEW this wasn't a regular old ball!
Actually, it was quite an odd ball, this one, it smelled very sweet, but this wasn't a smell I recognized. Once we tore through the green outer covering, and got to the insides, well YUMMO! This was better than the bananas I swiped off the kitchen counter that time!
I've never had a ball with a secret sweet filling before, what a find! I was so proud of my discovery, that once I was full, I went back through the dog door and put my head in Mom's lap to thank her for bringing home such a nice treat for me! She petted me and commented on my head being wet, sniffed and commented on my "watermelon" perfume... she was only a little upset, after all, I left her some out on the patio, in case she was hungry too. And I brought her a piece of the outer bits if she wanted to play with part of it. I think she works too much. She needs to play more and work less, don't you think? (-;
Sydra (aka Miss Mess)